This is a tale of a rare bird, a magnificent prairie, an inspiring conservationist, and a community education project. Thanks to you, 324 more acres on Howard Prairie are permanently conserved.
809 Acres in Wolf Creek Donated to SOLC
SOLC's Response to COVID-19
WE DID IT: 223 Acres Conserved
A Celebration Success
PHOTOS: Landmark Member Hike & Lunch
Howard Prairie–Working Forest
2019 Spring Wrap Up
Photos & Recap: 2019 Member Picnic and Annual Meeting
Photos: Let's Pull Together stewardship day
Recap: New Member Wildflower Hike & Dinner
Falling in love with the world: Citizen Science
SOLC Land Stewards, Karen and Kristi, are looney for citizen science, also called community science. Community scientists document observations of the natural world and share the data with a referred database. The data is then made available to researchers. In this article learn about the importance of community science and some ways you can contribute to this global movement.