ODOT render of a natural land crossing design built over a highway
One Fence, No Fence, Wildlife Friendly Fence
Two Land Trusts, Three Preserves and a New Stewardship Legacy
We are excited to announce in late February, we completed the transfer of a group of former Nature Conservancy preserves that from now on will be part of SOLC’s conserved lands family. The transfer covers two new fee-owned parcels— Whetstone Savanna and Agate Desert Preserves— and two conservation easements including the Rogue River Plains Preserve.
Bird-Friendly Seasons for Vegetation Work
For the Love of Bumble Bees
Nature Note: A hummingbirds trick to beat the heat
Chaparral is for the Birds
Snags, Downed Wood, and Fire
What are wildlife-loving landowners and land managers to do? In this article, Forest Ecologist and SOLC Land Steward Lyndia Hammer delves into the details of forest management for fire preparedness while preserving wildlife habitat. Lyndia visits the conserved White Oak Farm's ecological thinning site as a case study for doing just that.
Conserving a Prairie
2019 Spring Wrap Up
Falling in love with the world: Citizen Science
SOLC Land Stewards, Karen and Kristi, are looney for citizen science, also called community science. Community scientists document observations of the natural world and share the data with a referred database. The data is then made available to researchers. In this article learn about the importance of community science and some ways you can contribute to this global movement.