Board interview with Vice President Molly Morison

Board member Molly Morrison is the Stewardship Coordinator for Ashland Field Office of The Nature Conservancy. Molly, a botanist, is also a producer of biodynamic wines here in southern Oregon. With this busy schedule we had to ask, “Why did you choose to get involved with SOLC?”

Conservation is in my DNA. My family is from New Hampshire and our immediate and related family properties all have conservation easements. In addition, our adjacent neighbors also have conservation easements. It is really wonderful to be able to walk down the road and get on a little trail and hike through these beautiful open spaces knowing that they are all protected. I feel like there is an ethic in my family for protecting land. That is what keeps me coming back for more.

When I was asked to join SOLC, I found its mission so compelling. I made sure I set aside the time to help on the board. It is different than the work that I do with The Nature Conservancy because it is so local and based in the community whereas The Nature Conservancy is big and global. It is nice to be a part of both. Being on the board allows me to give advice, direction, and decision making at a local level which is very rewarding.

My favorite part is helping people and facilitating people’s desire to protect nature. Of course we do that through conservation easements but sometimes it is just connecting people who care about these issues. I really enjoy helping people find those connections. This is my passion.

If I had to explain one thing to people in the area it would be that SOLC is our local land trust and focuses on conserving all types of properties from woodlands to agriculture to wetlands. It is a wonderful way to connect with nature and gain a greater relationship with nature. You don’t have to have your own property. There are so many ways to get involved.

July 17, 2019

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