Board interview with Treasurer Heather Hickmann

Heather grew up in southern Oregon and continues to enjoy an active outdoor life. We asked Heather, “Why did you join the board and what keeps you living here in the Rogue River region?”

I have been on the board for just under a year now. Joining the board was a bit serendipitous. At my job I was learning and reading more documents around land easements and at the same time my neighbors were considering the future of their land. Working with SOLC is a chance for me to learn a lot and at the same time help and work with an exciting community of people that are really into taking care of the Rogue Valley.

I grew up in the Rogue Valley. I grew up rafting in the Rogue Valley and I am an avid trail runner and mountain and road biker. Whenever I am not chained to my desk, I am outside. I am also a backcountry and cross-country skier. So any opportunity I have to be out there on our public land, I take it. And I remember when the Rogue Valley was just a handful of wineries. SOLC gives me an opportunity to learn even more from the walks and talks, an opportunity to learn about the flora and fauna and birds.

More importantly, I feel like the land conservancy has a long-term outlook in preserving what we have in this valley. The fact that there is this organization that goes out there and helps to conserve land and the fact they are keeping the spaces for the long-term and the good of the Rogue Valley is wonderful.

July 17, 2019

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