Terms of Service


SOLC’s annual board meeting in June includes elections for board officers and members. This year, with the current board officers returning for another year, the meeting also marks the departure of three 2023-24 board members, each of whom delivered distinctive contributions to the organization and its growth.

SOLC salutes the service by departing board members Teresa Cisneros, Keith Emerson, and Harry Piper.

Following her time as a volunteer on SOLC’s Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) committee, Teresa brought her energy and commitment to education and broad community involvement for the year she was able to serve on the board and as chair of the JEDI Committee.

Keith served as a board member for 10 years, completing the allowable three consecutive three-year terms plus an extra year as Past President. In that time, he held each of the board officer positions, and was co-interim executive director in 2020 during a leadership transition. Stepping off the board, he plans to continue as a member of our Lands Committee, which advises staff on new conservation easements and acquisitions. “I had to wait three years to join the lands committee, even when I got on the board,” Keith said. “I’m staying with it.”

Harry served two board terms, beginning in 2019. He contributed active leadership to the Development Committee, helping to grow Conservation Celebration gala income to record levels. Harry also lent his thoughtful voice to bring SOLC’s JEDI commitment to life. Harry took part in a year-long learning journey that helped establish the Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts Oregon Land Justice Project, which channels land trusts’ energy and resources to promote Indigenous land access, land return, and tribal sovereignty. He also advocated for JEDI goals in SOLC’s 2022 Strategic Plan update, and helped craft the JEDI Statement that sets principles for SOLC to follow in extending our work to serve communities historically and currently excluded from land conservation.

We are grateful to each of these former board members for their leadership and commitment to SOLC’s conservation mission.