Photos: Let's Pull Together stewardship day

Photos: Let's Pull Together Stewardship Day

Thanks for pulling together Jackson County for the Rogue River Preserve!

Our friends, volunteers, and partners beautifully pulled together for Let’s Pull Together at Rogue River Preserve this month. Many hands pulled an incredible 1.5 acres of invasive Scotch broom and 0.2 acres of yellow starthistle. Thanks to the Ashland Food Co-op, REI, and the Siskiyou Chapter Native Plant Society of Oregon, we had delicious snacks and lunch. REI also provided great t-shirts and outdoor goodies for our volunteers. We are grateful for our community volunteers and partners in helping us care for the Preserve including the Bureau of Land Management, Jackson County Cooperative Weed Management Area, The Nature Conservancy, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Rogue Basin Partnership, and the U.S. Forest Service.