A park for everyone
The Oredson-Todd Woods and adjoining Siskiyou Mountain Park are city-owned, dog-friendly parks on the south edge of Ashland. Both are designated as public, natural areas for hiking and biking (on selected trails). The forested canyon and beautiful waterfall along Clay Creek provide a wonderful natural area immediately outside town. These two parks contain seven miles of public trails which connect to a larger trail system on the slopes above Ashland, including the popular White Rabbit Trail.
In September 1983, Mountain Ranch Development Company, a partnership between developers Vincent Oredson and John D. Todd, donated 10 acres of land adjacent to their new subdivision to the Southern Oregon Land Conservancy. The Oredson-Todd Woods was designated to be a natural area for public use. Several years later, SOLC donated the Woods to the City of Ashland, where it was joined with other city-owned land to make up these two forested parks, comprised of 300 acres and used by hundreds of outdoor enthusiasts today. Both properties are permanently protected with conservation easements that specify similar restrictions as the ones outlined by Vincent Oredson and John Todd in 1983.
Park Map
Locate access points and parking lots, and pick a route through Oredson-Todd Woods, Siskiyou Mountain Park, and the White Rabbit trail system.
Explore the ABC’s of forest ecology along a one-mile loop trail in Oredson-Todd Woods.
StoryMap en Español
Explore the ABC’s of forest ecology en Español along a one-mile loop trail in Oredson-Todd Woods.
Wildflowers of OTW Park
Enjoy a gallery organized by color and common names. Scientific names are included as well.
OTW Shrub Brochure
Enjoy a collection of shrubs of the Oredson-Todd Woods. To help with identification, plants are organized with photos of flowers, branching and leaf structure.
Winter Birds Brochure
Get to know the common wintertime bird residents of Oredson-Todd Woods with this full-color brochure, which is organized by where on the tree you can expect to find each species.
List of Birds
Explore a complete list of birds that have been confirmed in Oredson-Todd Woods. The list notes the seasons each species is present, and also which birds breed here.
List of Plants
View a complete list of the vascular plants that grow at Oredson-Todd Woods, including their scientific and common names, plant family, and other notes.
4th and 5th grade students enjoying the Woods during our annual Loving the Land outdoor education program.
Waterfall on Clay Creek
Throughout the year 7th & 8th grade John Muir School students steward the Woods.
Dave Garcia leads a community hike.