Photos: 2017 Conservation Celebration

Celebration Success

Thanks for the outstanding support!

Oh, what a night! On November 10th, we gathered at the Ashland Hills Hotel for our annual Conservation Celebration to honor 39 years of protecting special places in our region.

Over 150 people socialized, shopped an amazing silent auction, sipped wine and feasted on a four-course gourmet meal. Master of Ceremonies, Dr. Rick Kirschner, kicked off the live auction with gusto – asking donors to make a stretch gift – and they did indeed. Our Save an Acre program raised $40,000 to support our work.

We want to thank our event sponsors including True South Solar, Evogeneao, Nagel and Padilla, and a host of other businesses who stepped up to support this event. We also want to thank our wine donors including Wooldridge Creek Vineyard & Winery, Dana Campbell Vineyards, Eliana Wines, and South Stage Cellars. Guests bid on a diverse selection of over 100 silent auction gifts donated by generous local businesses and individuals.

Thank you to our guests, volunteers, shoppers and bidders! Your investment in nature today will continue to grow a lasting legacy of land conservation. The proceeds we raised during the evening, more than $65,000, will support our efforts to monitor over 10,000 acres of conserved lands as well as help us conserve more than 650 acres of vital habitats in the coming year.