Want to increase your bioregional IQ in a fun setting? Come discover a glimpse of the natural history of our region during happy hour at Grape Street Bar and Grill in Medford. The focus will be Wings—critters that fly, pollinate, and twirl in the air. Topics include Bats with Wildlife Biologist Tony Kerwin; Dragonflies with local Naturalist and Dragonfly Expert Norm Barrett; Oregon Vesper Sparrows with Klamath Bird Observatory’s Research Biologist Dr. Sarah Rockwell; and Bumble Bees with Naturalist and SOLC Stewardship Director Kristi Mergenthaler.
Arrive early to secure a seat and to order food or drinks. This is an all-ages free community event.
For more information call (541) 482-3069 or email info@landconserve.org.
Note location changed from original Rogue Grape in Medford to Grape Street Bar and Grill in Medford.
Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus) photo by ErinAdventure courtesy of Flickr
Shadow darner photo (and banner photo of Red-veined Meadowhawk) by Norm Barrett
Vesper Sparrow photo taken by Frank Lospalluto
White-shouldered bumble bee on wildflower photo by Teresa Fernandez