Geology of the Cascade Foothills
Karen Grove shows map of local geologic highlights at the City of Ashland Imperatrice property. Photo by Linda Thomas.

Geology of the Cascade Foothills
View from City of Ashland Imperatrice property. Photo by Linda Thomas.

Geology of the Cascade Foothills
Cat’s ears. Photo by Linda Thomas.

Geology of the Cascade Foothills
Photo by Linda Thomas.

Geology of the Cascade Foothills
Shooting stars, phlox and sunflowers. Photo by Linda Thomas.

Geology of the Cascade Foothills
Hikers enjoying a view of Mt. Ashland. Photo by Linda Thomas.

Ukulele Jam on the Preserve
Ukulele players gather for an outdoor jamming experience at the Rogue River Preserve. Photo by Tish McFadden.

Ukulele Jam on the Preserve
Ukulele players enjoying the Rogue River at the Rogue River Preserve. Photo by Tish McFadden.
Siskiyou Crest Posies & Pollinators
Hikers scanning for pollinators and flowers on Mt. Ashland. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Siskiyou Crest Posies & Pollinators
Yellow-faced bumble bee. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Siskiyou Crest Posies & Pollinators
Ranchman's tiger moth, Plattyprepia viginalis. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Siskiyou Crest Posies & Pollinators
Comparing bumble bees. Photo by Richard Jaquot.

Siskiyou Crest Posies & Pollinators
Anna’s blue butterfly. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Siskiyou Crest Posies & Pollinators
California tortoiseshell butterfly. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Dragonflies of the Siskiyou Summit
Hiking to prime dragonfly habitat, an upland pond. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Dragonflies of the Siskiyou Summit
Eight-spotted skimmer. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Dragonflies of the Siskiyou Summit
Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Dragonflies of the Siskiyou Summit
Cardinal meadowhawk. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Fish, Forests and Landforms of Rogue River Preserve
David Steinfeld leads a demonstration of tree coring. Attendees took a sniff of the of the fragrant pine tree core. Tree cores are used to identify the age of a tree. Photo by Linda Thomas.

Family Walkabout at Rogue River Preserve
Hike guide, Kat Whyte shows a helpful critter identification book.

Family Walkabout at Rogue River Preserve
Admiring a very tiny chorus frog.

Birding the Rogue River Preserve
Brandon Breen (first in foreground) leads hikers on a bird exploration of the Rogue River Preserve. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Birding the Rogue River Preserve
Lewis's Woodpecker carrying an acorn. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Birding the Rogue River Preserve
A mystic view of a Bald Eagle. Photo by Richard Jacquot.
Lichens for Beginners at Rogue River Preserve
Hike guide Steve Sheehy shows how to use a hand lens to help identify lichens. Photo by Richard Jacquot.
Lichens for Beginners at Rogue River Preserve
Hand lenses and microscopes are handy in the field to properly identify lichens. Photo by Richard Jacquot.

Hike Lower Table Rock
BLM Environmental Education Specialist, Molly Allen, talks about the natural history of the Table Rocks. Photo by Molly Morison.

Jacksonville Woodlands History Tour
Examining an historic mining glory hole with Larry Smith. Photo by Linda Thomas.

Jacksonville Woodlands History Tour
Gentner's fritillary, an endangered species that only lives in SW Oregon. Photo by Linda Thomas.

Jacksonville Woodlands History Tour
Admiring a scarlet fritillary. Photo by Linda Thomas.